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Technical Canyoneering
Sandthrax is one of the more difficult and dangerous canyons on the Colorado Plateau and
is not suitable for the general canyoneering public.
I am
providing a route description because the location and history of the canyon are well
known. If you are not familiar with the canyon's history I suggest you read the story Sandthrax - Chasm of Doom. Entering this canyon carries the
high probability of serious injury or death. |
you attempt this canyon, every member of your group must be a highly skilled canyoneer and
rock climber. This canyon is deadly for beginners. The information provided herein
is for historical reading and entertainment and is not intended to be a guide. Sandthrax
Canyon is NOT suitable for the general canyoneering public and is rated 4B X IV using the
Canyon Rating System. Errors in technique or judgment will likely
result in serious injury or death. Do not
underestimate the difficulty and danger of descending this canyon. A rescue in this
canyon would be hazardous and extremely troublesome. This canyon has a moderate flash
flood danger.
Circle of Friends:
is part of the "Circle of Friends" program.
Members of the "Circle of Friends" have
access to more specific information, explicit route information, GPS waypoints, trailhead
location and detailed maps. If you would
like more information on joining the "Circle of Friends" visit the sign
up page.
"Circle of Friends"
General Information:
Sandthrax Canyon is NOT suitable for the general canyoneering public. The information
provided herein is for historical reading and entertainment.
Where Did The Canyon Get It's Name:
It's important to know the events
of our first attempted descent occurred one month after the 9/11 terrorist hijackings and
the big congress mail room anthrax scare. The entire country was putting on a brave face
but in reality everyone was hunkered down just waiting for the next attack.
When we were trapped in Sandthrax I had one of those cheap disposable point
and shoot cameras in my pack. After the ordeal I took the camera into a local grocery
store with a one hour photo service to get the film developed.
After dropping off the camera at
the one hour photo service I proceed to do some grocery shopping while the film is being
develop. When the female film technician pops open the back of the camera sand spills out
everywhere. The film technician freaks out and reports she has just been poisoned with
anthrax. The cops who happen to have a sub station next to this particular grocery store
and who have been watching way too much TV spring into action.......
Next thing I know I'm face down in
the isle of the grocery store with two cops standing on top of me with their guns drawn.
After I told my partner Hank Moon
the story and he stopped rolling on the floor laughing he suggested we name the canyon
Sandthrax, in honor of my grocery shopping episode.
Thanks to Jason Kaplan for this first ever video of a thru-trip of Sandthrax
Canyon. Jason was accompanied by Nathan Meader and Penny Martens. Some of
the photos in the video are from previous trips, and credited to Ben Hebb
(Rest In Peace) and Nathan Meader. If this video fails to play on your
mobile device or computer you can always watch the
Original YouTube Version here.
Sandthrax Canyon - Chasm of Doom
Sandthrax Canyon -
Epic Debacle
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