Lewis Lodge is part of the "Circle of Friends" program. Members of the "Circle of Friends" have access to more specific information, explicit route information, GPS waypoints, trailhead location and detailed maps. If you would like more information on joining the "Circle of Friends" visit the sign up page. "Circle of Friends"
Lewis Lodge is one of the best Anasazi ruins in Cedar Mesa. The route requires a short hike. Please take only pictures and leave only footprints. Lewis Lodge is rated 2A II using the Canyon Rating System. A good route description and a GPS are very helpful. Navigation for this route is moderate.
Driving directions for both a high clearance vehicle and four wheel drive are provided.
Lewis Lodge contain a remarkable kiva that is extremely well preserved. Kivas are small, round rooms dug into the ground and were an important part of the Anasazi lifestyle. They were used for ceremonies and socializing. Kivas functioned like a church as well as a living room. And because Kivas were built underground, their roofs served a purpose too. Anasazi men and women gathered on the roof of the kiva to weave and grind corn and Anasazi children often played there. The roof of the kiva was the Anasazi's courtyard.
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