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Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs

Little Cottonwood Canyon

Wasatch Mountains

          Not far up Little Cottonwood Canyon, just off the trail, Fremont Indians lived in a rock-slide cave about 1,000 years ago, where they drew a pictograph with the mineral red oquirrh. Native American rock art is extremely rare in the Salt Lake Valley. Considering the extreme and wet environment of the canyon this is a beautiful and well preserved pictograph.

          The pictograph consists of a human figure with horns that appears to be holding bow, and off to the side is a quadruped, with what appears to be antlers.

Circle of Friends:
          Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs are part of the "Circle of Friends" program. Members of the "Circle of Friends" have access to more specific information, explicit route information, GPS waypoints, trailhead location and detailed maps. If you would like more information on joining the "Circle of Friends" visit the sign up page.

"Circle of Friends"

Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs

General Information:
ittle Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs consist of two figures located inside a small cave. The rock art is moderately difficult to locate without a GPS and nearly impossible to locate without a good route description. Navigation for this route is easy. Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs are rated 1A I using the Canyon Rating System.

Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs

Trailhead Information:
          The trailhead is accessible to all vehicles in all weather conditions and is located just minutes from anywhere in the Salt Lake Valley.

Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs

Optional Route Description:
          Two route descriptions are provided. One is quick and easy for those only interested in visiting the rock art. An optional route description is also presented which creates an easy but enjoyable hike, which will require about 2 to 3 hours.

Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs

          Enjoy a short video from Little Cottonwood Canyon Pictographs.


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